What's the worst encounter you've had on Newgrounds with someone? it can be from a review, comment, or PM. The only one i've had is some guy legit trying to sell weed.
I have no idea why you're reading this, but you are. Since you're here, why not have a discussion with me? It's better to talk to people than just waste your life on games. O h W a i t. Y o u A l r e a d y A r e.
Age 23, Male
SFM commisions
Joined on 8/13/18
Posted by lolzero7 - August 14th, 2018
What's the worst encounter you've had on Newgrounds with someone? it can be from a review, comment, or PM. The only one i've had is some guy legit trying to sell weed.
I would say the time I met an eight year old. That guy got offended real fast.